Policy Brief 1


To develop a foundational conceptual framework for understanding and comparing the specific characteristics and challenges of small film markets, which enables the identification of their features, strengths and weaknesses on a media systemic level.

To provide an empirical multi-level comparative analysis of key industry data in dialogue with WP2. The goal of the analysis is to assemble findings and draw conclusions about the competitiveness of individual small nations’ industries in relation to the rest of the EU; in relation to the UK as the dominant European exporter of content and the USA as the main competitor of domestic content in cinema, broadcast and VoD.

To provide an integrative view on the competitiveness of European small film markets along the film industry’s value chain, whose different sectors are analyzed in WPs5-7. This is to provide a holistic view of the European value chains’ different manifestations in small film markets as regards levels of development and competitiveness, which allows for conclusions about the state of the wider EU film industry’s internal integration and international competitiveness.

To develop a policy toolkit for comparative analysis of the extent to which policy measures in small markets are aligned to support competitiveness. The policy toolkit will be piloted with screen agencies in three small markets (to be selected together with EFAD). This is to expand public funders’ knowledge of competition and how film and audiovisual ecosystems are transforming, which is perceived to be lacking (Eskilsson, 2022) and thereby help them to redesign and align support measures to better position film industries in the global competitive landscape.


Performance Indicators text here.


The bigger picture text here.


Methodology text here.


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